OT4me provides assessments and diagnosis for children and adults. We are able to provide comprehensive assessment of movement and coordination skills in addition to sensory integration assessment.
What is DCD/Dyspraxia?
Developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD), also known as dyspraxia, is a condition affecting physical co-ordination. It causes a child to perform less well than expected in daily activities for their age, and appear to move clumsily.
DCD is thought to be around 3 or 4 times more common in boys than girls, and the condition sometimes runs in families.
Symptoms of DCD:
Below is a checklist of some of the difficulties you may see or experience:
- Delayed milestones such as crawling, walking or feeding
- Shows unusual body positions (postures) during their 1st year
- Has difficulty playing with toys that involve good co-ordination, such as stacking bricks
- Poor fine motor skills
- Difficulties with handwriting and/or scissor skills
- Difficulties with getting dressed
- Difficulties walking up/down steps
- Clumsy/awkward/drops things/bumps into things
- Poor organisational skills
- Difficulties with concentration and attention
- Difficulty following instructions
- Low self esteem
- Difficulties with emotional regulation
- Difficulty making friends
How we can help
We conduct a variety of standardised and no standardised assessments as well as taking a detailed history and narrative from the person. We will also liaise with other medical professionals involved in the child’s care.The BMA Family Doctor Book “Understanding ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia” advises GPs to refer people with Dyspraxia to an Occupational Therapist, who will take a medical and social history, and use a variety of Standardised Tests including motor skills, handwriting, visual-motor co ordination and sensory processing.Once a diagnostic report of Dyspraxia and recommendations for ‘reasonable adjustments’ have been made (Equality Act 2010) this will help a child or adult in school, college or the work place to achieve their full potential.

What happens during assessment?
- Once you have paid half the fee, an assessment will be booked for you at a convenient time and date.
- You will receive some Questionnaires via email to fill in and return to your Therapist together with any other reports you have received in the past. These will be treated confidentially. Please return in good time before the assessment date.
- Your therapist will arrange a suitable time to assess you, and give you directions.
- The assessment will last 2.5 – 3 hours. You may bring a family member or friend if you want.
- Observation of movement, and Standardised tests will be used in a relaxed friendly atmosphere. We aim to use the most appropriate, well researched, and up to date assessment tools available. Most of our assessments are fun!
- We will contact your GP or medical professionals for their input
- We may also contact your child’s school for them to share your child’s strengths and participation challenges in class.
- There will be time for questions and discussion.
- The finished report will be sent to you by email, a hard copy will be sent at your request. Email copies can also be sent to others at your request.
- If you want to chat about anything in the report you will be able to phone or video chat with your therapist for a 30-minute feedback session once you receive the report. Any further advice will be charged at our current rate.
- If on-going coaching, phone support, or other services are required you can discuss this with your Occupational Therapist.
For further information, please complete our enquiry form here.
Dyspraxia Assessment
What’s included:
- Comprehensive Assessment Process – taking up to 4 hours. This can be in our therapeutic clinic setting or home environment if more appropriate.
- Information gathered various sources including parents/carers, education setting and other professionals.
- Standardised assessment tools
- Liaison with other professionals
- Clear indication if the child meets Dyspraxia criteria
- Evaluation
- Detailed report provided – which includes:
- Strengths and challenges
- Overall day to day functioning
- Assessment findings
- Detailed recommendations
- Follow up telephone discussion with your therapist
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